Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hope House Contributions

The spring 2019 Gender Media class voted to give donations to Hope House, a local domestic violence shelter. Thanks for participating in the project.


  1. First of all, I the community project was a really good thing to close the semester with, it is a great feeling to have someone smile because they got what they really need. It made me smile and keep in mind that always do some good for the community. I would appreciate whomever behind this project it really feels great to see someone happy because some little thing that you might have it in your own home but there are others that don’t. I made sure that I get a lot of stuff for others to take advantage of it.

    Turk J

  2. First of all, I would like to thank you for bringing this project to our class. The community project is something really important to make us feel others needs and try to help. I’ll talk in my reflection on helping side as a Muslim perspective. In our religion we always like to help in many ways, actually in our religion we get virtues from Allah (God) by helping those who are in needs. So, we help to first get virtues form Allah and make those people happy. It’s something really beautiful. I remember in one of my presentation in first year I talked about what make people happy and many of answers were saying I feel happy by making other happy! So, I think helping is human nature which we have no control in. If we see someone that not feeling good, we always say hope you feel better, so imagine if we know there are kids need our help? I think we all will be ready to help and make them happy as much as we can. In the end, I would thank you again for this opportunity.

  3. This community project was very relevant to me because I really want to work with women and children who are escaping domestic violence situations. I was excited when the class chose this because of it. It was very eye opening to me to see the list of desperate needs because these were things that are so simple like paper towels and toilet paper and these women don't have them. It's a sad thing to think about. Another eye opening thing to me was how much so little as 15 dollars can buy. I bought a lot of deodorant and paper towels and toilet paper all around 15 dollars in total. It total means that anybody can give no matter how much they have. Lastly, to see all the stuff together at the table was fantastic to see because it was 16 weeks of learning so many different issues and all our hard work having a kind of picture to it. It was a fantastic semester and I'm glad we could end it by helping people who need it.

  4. I really enjoyed being in this class. From us having open discussion on everyday issues to helping people in need. I do love the idea of donating to hope house, but I feel like we should have done more with our time. for example.. we all could have helped delivered the goods and meet and talk to some workers or did a drive to support them. I honestly felt like more planning or thought could have went with our community project. I did love the idea of us receiving money to buy items for hope house, but I also thought we could have given them our time to show support for their cause.
    -Christine C

  5. Being able to give back to a community in need is a great experience. I am not able to do something like this all the time, but this project gave me the chance to. I was happy that the class chose to give back to a community in need of some donations because I wanted to help people out even if it was just some paper towels and necessities. This was a good experience to be able to help people, even if it was not in person, it was nice to know that I was able to chip in some. I enjoyed doing this rather than having another guest speaker coming in, although that would also be a good, enriching experience. This project opened my eyes about these communities and how there are more than the few we looked at. There were so many things on the list of things that they needed for donations and they probably don’t receive as many donations as needed. I am glad we were all able to chip in to help these people because they are having a rough time and just trying to get the help they need. When I was going to pick up the items at the store, I wished I could’ve been able to get everything they needed, but of course that is difficult. But of course, I know they will be grateful for the amount of things we were able to give to them.

    Megan Manestar

  6. This community project really had me thinking about the people that are in this horrible situation. Domestic violence is such a horrible thing and the fact that there are shelters out there like Hope House means that there are ways for people to get out of those situations. When I went out to buy my contribution for this project I realized that the simplest donations are what they really need. I think the fact that we as a class went out and got supplies that Hope House needed does and says more than just writing a check, this way Hope House gets instant access to the supplies they need instead of taking their own time to get the supplies themselves. Personally I hope that the people that are in these unfortunate situations can find their way to places like Hope House, because no one deserves to be put through domestic violence. I feel very lucky to have been in a position to help these people out and can only hope that they can get back to a normal life that is not defined by domestic violence. After this experience I hope that you continue this in the class, it was a very special way to end the semester.

    Megan Duffy

  7. I really liked participating in a community service project for this class. I think it was a really valuable experience, and a good way to be active in our community to help those in need. I didn’t realize how many items you could purchase with only $15. A simple donation like paper towels or baby wipes is greatly appreciated by those who don’t have much. I was glad we picked Hope House and could provide items they were in need of at the current time. It would have been a cool experience to take the items to Hope House as a class and learn more about the organization and what they do. It’s sad to think about how many people are in domestic violence situations just in Kansas City alone, and I think going to Hope House would have really opened our eyes and put it in a different perspective for us. I think it’s important for people to give their time or finances at least once to help those in need. Something so small can make a big impact on someone, and I think that is the biggest thing I took away from this project. I think it should continue throughout the years to come. It was a great way to end the semester.
    Cara Kuchem

  8. I really enjoyed this community project and I think it is a good final to wrap up the class. Throughout the semester we were introduced to new ideas and topics that are hard to talk about. We also had speakers come in to talk about topics that are sensitive, and I wish we could have helped more people with this community project. It would be great in the future if students could have the option to be more involved in the process of giving the donations to the organization. I personally did not know about this organization until this project, so I am really glad we were able to help even if it was just a little bit. It is an amazing thing that people affected by domestic violence have a place to seek shelter, and it was a nice surprise that there was an option to erase the website from a computer's history for their safety. I think that is a proactive way to try and keep people safe before they are able to escape from their abuser.
    - Savanna Stevens

  9. This community project was something super different and fun. I’ve never had a class where we’ve done something like this and was able to go to the store and pick out the things we wanted to donate ourselves. I think that’s the part that made it the most special is that each product was hand picked from the students. I know that’s they would greatly appreciate everything we have donated and by us doing this those women are one step closer to get out of their situation and getting into a better one. $15 was added to our tuition price and most of us probably didn’t even notice but it makes a big difference for the organization and our small deed is a big deal. This project should definitely continue every year and throughout other classes!

    Breonne Maltbia


Hope House Contributions

The spring 2019 Gender Media class voted to give donations to Hope House, a local domestic violence shelter. Thanks for participating in t...